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Social Responsability

Social Responsability

At SafeStart, we believe in making safety a way of life, not just a workplace requirement. Our commitment extends beyond the office to include community and family activities. By partnering with nonprofits and hosting family days, we teach safety skills that benefit everyone. Our solutions, implemented in over 75 countries, aim to create a culture of 24/7 safety through engaging events and educational initiatives. Join us in fostering a safer world for all!

Our Work in Suriname

Our Surinamese project is particularly important to us, as the video below shows. This involved a partnership extending across several years with Kosmos Energy and the country’s educational authorities. We began with three days spent training teachers from technical schools, along with governmental staff, to ensure engagement and sustainability. The SafeStart programme was then rolled out to thousands of technical school students.

Teaching SafeStart at primary schools in Nigeria

Larry Wilson teaches kids at a primary school in Nigeria about the main things that can get them hurt on a daily basis. It is always an amazing experience to teach children about hard, sharp, hot and slippery, as well as rushing, frustration, fatigue and complacency.

The BooBooBandits taking over Africa

As SafeStart author, Larry Wilson, always says, "every child, every country... in our lifetime." Here is Larry visiting a school in northern South Africa, showing the first episode of the BooBooBandits to the kids. It's always a truly heartwarming experience taking SafeStart to the most remote places.