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Hybrid SafeStart Journey

Welcome to the Hybrid SafeStart Journey, where the timeless principles of safety culture transformation meet the innovative advantages of digital learning. This comprehensive experience seamlessly integrates traditional classroom training with cutting-edge online modules from the YOUFactors platform, ensuring a robust and flexible approach to safety education.

Click on each section below to explore what is included year by year in this transformative journey.
  • YEAR 1

    ⭢ The kick-off for all implementations, this session presents the concepts of the SafeStart methodology to the leadership team and foster their active commitment and support for its implementation.
    ⭢ A training session designed to raise awareness among the leadership team and stakeholders, reinforcing their personal commitment to safety. One of the main objectives is to secure the unwavering support of the organization's leaders for a successful implementation and to help them integrate SafeStart concepts into their own leadership style.
    ⭢ Forming a Steering Committee is essential for implementing SafeStart effectively. In this session, we outline the ideal structure and action plans for short, medium, and long-term sustainability. We clarify each member's roles and responsibilities and share best practices and examples from leading companies.
    ⭢ An integral part of the implementation is to train the internal programme ambassadors on specific Train-The-Trainer sessions. During this session, future ambassadors will grasp initial concepts, primary objectives, and training dynamics. All certified individuals will be fully equipped to disseminate their knowledge throughout the organisation.

    ⭢ This is where the magic unfolds—the five core units serving as the foundation for a safety culture transformation, both on and off the workplace. After all training modules are taken, delivered flexibly over weeks or months by certified trainers, building up the SafeStart knowledge and skills of participants and allowing them time to practise all techniques in the real world until they become automatic and habitual. During this initial stage, some short-term benefits will become apparent:

    • Greater employee engagement;
    • Development of visible safety skills;
    • Strengthening of personal responsibility for safety;
    • Development of a common safety language; and
    • Reduction of injuries for individuals 24/7.
    ⭢ The SafeStart home component is a vital part of every implementation. Following the completion of the final core unit, all employees are encouraged to extend SafeStart principles to their families. As they educate their loved ones on safety awareness and all SafeStart concepts, employees become advocates. Companies observe a significant improvement in attitude, engagement, commitment, communication, and productivity once employees incorporate SafeStart at home. This also leads to notable reductions in injuries both in and out of the workplace.
    ⭢ The follow-up visit serves to evaluate the effectiveness of SafeStart implementation, review outcomes, and propose key enhancements. It's also an opportunity to update trainers and support the Steering Committee in future projects.
  • YEAR 2

    ⭢ The Critical Decisions units 1 "Using CERT to Prevent Sprains and Strains" and 2 "Mind on Task, Safety Systems and Recognizing Change", will not only help you fully realize the potential of injury reductions within specific applications (like sprains and strains), they will also sustain your core injury prevention results by maintaining enthusiasm, continuing the learning process, and practicing the critical error reduction techniques to form positive safety habits.
    ⭢ Rate Your State serves as a vital component in fortifying SafeStart implementation, offering a practical approach for employees to enhance their safety knowledge, skills, and practices while ensuring ongoing progress. Recognised as one of the most effective methods for maintaining and advancing safety gains, it actively combats all four states by prompting individuals to understand and evaluate their current mindset regarding errors, safety, and risks. This sustainability module provides a unique opportunity for individuals to assess their state of mind anytime and anywhere, fostering a continuous commitment to safety excellence.
    ⭢ SafeStart encourages companies to foster engagement and safety awareness by organising family activities and events. These family days can include a variety of fun and interactive activities such as raffles, drawing contests, and home video competitions. By involving employees' families, these events help reinforce safety concepts at home and strengthen the bond between the workplace and family life, promoting a holistic approach to safety and well-being.
    ⭢ SafeStart encourages companies to foster engagement and safety awareness by organising family activities and events. These family days can include a variety of fun and interactive activities such as raffles, drawing contests, and home video competitions. By involving employees' families, these events help reinforce safety concepts at home and strengthen the bond between the workplace and family life, promoting a holistic approach to safety and well-being.
  • YEAR 3

    ⭢ The Critical Decisions units 3 "Deliberate Risk and Error" and 4 "Risk, Error and Redundancy", teach other advanced concepts and techniques to further develop employee safety skills. The main purpose of unit 3 is to illuminate the most significant problems that rushing, frustration, fatigue and complacency can cause with decision-making, while unit 4 continues exploring the problems that complacency can cause with decision-making.
    ⭢ This programme addresses bad ergonomic habits and human error to effectively solve Musculo-skeletal problems. It combines the traditional understanding of body posture with ideas of personal safety, allowing employees to recognise clear signs of repetitive motion and excessive stress before injury occurs.
    ⭢ SafeStart encourages companies to foster engagement and safety awareness by organising family activities and events. These family days can include a variety of fun and interactive activities such as raffles, drawing contests, and home video competitions. By involving employees' families, these events help reinforce safety concepts at home and strengthen the bond between the workplace and family life, promoting a holistic approach to safety and well-being.
    ⭢ The follow-up visit serves to evaluate the effectiveness of SafeStart implementation, review outcomes, and propose key enhancements. It's also an opportunity to update trainers and support the Steering Committee in future projects.
  • YEAR 4

    ⭢ The Critical Decisions units 5 "Anticipating Error" and 6 "Complacency and the Other Guy, Other States", follow the same delivery format as the other units. However, unit 5 in addition to reviewing some of the basic SafeStart concepts and techniques, it looks at another problem that complacency can cause: not checking critical components or pieces of equipment that hardly ever break, fail or malfunction. Unit 6 covers how to intervene when you see too much immediate risk and introduces two additional states that, although they don’t happen every day, can cause injury: extreme joy and extreme sorrow (including panic).

    ⭢ SafeTrack is an observation and feedback-based process that uses SafeStart concepts to reduce workplace accidents with an efficient and motivating approach. People will learn to identify risk for themselves and others through positive communications, facilitating rapid intervention when needed.

    SafeStart Performance focuses not only on safety, but on improving production, quality and customer service. It offers a proven way to increase focus and performance on a daily basis. It helps people recognise when their actions and their state of mind at any given moment can influence their decision-making and likelihood of error-making.


    ⭢  SafeStart encourages companies to foster engagement and safety awareness by organising family activities and events. These family days can include a variety of fun and interactive activities such as raffles, drawing contests, and home video competitions. By involving employees' families, these events help reinforce safety concepts at home and strengthen the bond between the workplace and family life, promoting a holistic approach to safety and well-being.

    ⭢ The follow-up visit serves to evaluate the effectiveness of SafeStart implementation, review outcomes, and propose key enhancements. It's also an opportunity to update trainers and support the Steering Committee in future projects.